Ocean Data

File Search Help

Using The Form

The search page will locate publicly available files within the Ocean Data Processing System (ODPS).

Search Tabs:

Filename Pattern:

Pattern Entered What It Does
AUQA_MODIS.20220515* Queries all files from May 15, 2022 for the AQUA MODIS instrument.
SNPP_VIIRS.20190101T123600.L1A* Locate a specific file
NOAA20_VIIRS.201912[0-9]*GEO.nc Queries all files from days 120-129 for the year 2019 for the NOAA20 VIIRS instrument. (Note: This type of search may run slowly.)

Special Characters for Searching:
'*' Match any string, including the null string
'?' Match any single character
'[...]' Match any one of the enclosed characters

See File-naming Convention for additional examples.

Additional Options

The "Additional Options" checkboxes allow further customization of the output.

  • Unselect All Checkboxes: Return results as HTML listing.
  • Display results as text, one file name per line: This will print each file name on its own line. It will generate a list like this:
    • Also include full URL path: This will prepend the file name with the full URL location of the file.
  • Include checksum with file name: Show the checksum before the file name.
    76cea78f6f859cfb73df3091c609087dd4659650 T2003122090500.L1A_LAC.R0000032134_21N_17N_160W_152W.hdf

Using the API

OB.DAAC has a file search utility that is accessible through command line interface (CLI).

Available options:

  • sensor_id - mission identifier (numerical)
    • valid options:
      • 0 - GLOBAL
      • 6 - SeaWiFS
      • 7 - Aqua-MODIS
      • 8 - Terra-MODIS
      • 9 - OCTS
      • 11 - CZCS
      • 14 - SNPP-VIIRS
      • 19 - MERIS
      • 21 - OCM2
      • 25 - HICO
      • 27 - GOCI
      • 28 - L8OLI
      • 29 - S3A-OLCI
      • 32 - OCIA
      • 33 - NOAA20-VIIRS
      • 35 - SE1-Hawkeye
      • 36 - S3B-OLCI
      • 39 - Merged-S3-CYAN
      • 41 - PACE_SPEXONE
      • 42 - PACE_OCI
      • 43 - NOAA21-VIIRS
      • 44 - MERIS-ILW
      • 46 - S3A-ILW
      • 47 - S3B-ILW
      • 49 - Merged-S3-ILW
    • sdate - start date and time of desired data (format YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00)
    • edate - end date and time of desired data (format YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00)
    • psdate - when file processing began (format YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00)
    • pedate - when file processing completed (format YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00)
    • dtid - data type identifier (i.e. level). This is a dynamically populated listing.
    • addurl - include full url in search result (boolean, 1=yes, 0=no)
    • results_as_file - return results as a test file listing (boolean, 1=yes; 0=no, returning an HTML page)
    • search - text string search
    • subID - subscription ID to search
    • subType - subscription type
      • valid options: 1 (non-extracted, default), 2 (extracted)
    • std_only - restrict results to standard products (i.e. ignore extracts, regional processings, etc.; boolean)
    • cksum - return a checksum file for search results (boolean; sha1sums except for Aquarius soil moisture products which are md5sums; forces results_as_file; ignores addurl)
    • format - file is returned in format specified.
      • valid options: txt, json, html

    Here is an example using the file search utility to find and download OCTS daily L3 binned chlorophyll data from November 1, 1996 through December 31, 1999.


          wget -q --post-data="results_as_file=1&sensor_id=9&dtid=1142&suite_id=CHL&sdate=1997-11-01 00:00:00&edate=2022-01-01 23:59:59&subID=1001&subType=1&period=DAY" -O - https://oceandatadev401.domain.pub/api/file_search


    curl -d "sensor=octs&am;sdate=1996-11-01&edate=1997-01-01&dtype=L3b&addurl=1&results_as_file=1&search=*DAY_CHL*" https://oceandata.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/api/file_search |grep getfile | cut -d "'" -f 2 | head -1 | xargs -n 1 curl -LJO -n -c ~/.urs_cookies -b ~/.urs_cookies

Using the API

OB.DAAC provides an API for use through a command line interface (CLI) or programming language.

Posting Information

Method: HTTP GET
Base URL: https://oceandata.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/api/file_search

Submission Field List

Searching by Subscription
Name Submission Field Name Mandatory Format Values Notes
Subscription ID subID REQUIRED int(10) Ex. 5325 Subscription ID to search
Note: If no start date is supplied, the default start date will be set three days prior to today's date.
Subscription Type subType OPTIONAL int(1) Acceptable Values Subscription Type
1 Non-Extracted
2 Extracted

Default: 1
File Processing Start Date psdate OPTIONAL date(YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00) Ex. 2022-08-27 00:00:00 Default: 3 days ago
File Processing End Date pedate OPTIONAL date(YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00) Ex. 2022-08-27 23:59:59 Default: Today's date

Searching OB.DAAC Data
Name Submission Field Name Mandatory Format Values Notes
Sensor ID sensor_id REQUIRED int(2) Acceptable Values
Show/hide sensor list
0 Global (All Sensors)
6 SeaWiFS
7 Aqua-MODIS
8 Terra-MODIS
21 OCM2
28 L8OLI
35 SE1-Hawkeye
39 Merged-S3-CYAN
46 S3A-ILW
47 S3B-ILW
49 Merged-S3-ILW
Data Class dtype REQUIRED varchar(30) Acceptable Values The data type or level of the product
Show/hide data class list
L0 Level 0
L1 Level 1
L2 Level 2
L3b Level 3 Binned data
L3m Level 3 Mapped data
MET Ancillary data
misc Sundry products
Data Type ID dtid REQUIRED int(10) Ex. 1115 A dynamically-populated data type identifier.
Start Date sdate CONDITIONAL date(YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00) Ex. 2022-08-27 00:00:00 One of the following is required:
  • Start and end dates
  • File processing start and end dates
Use either start/end dates or processing start/end dates, not both.
End Date edate CONDITIONAL date(YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00) Ex. 2022-08-27 23:59:59
File Processing Start Date psdate CONDITIONAL date(YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00) Ex. 2022-08-27 00:00:00 One of the following is required:
  • File processing start and end dates
  • Start and end dates
Use either start/end dates or processing start/end dates, not both.
File Processing End Date pedate CONDITIONAL date(YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00) Ex. 2022-08-27 23:59:59
Include Full URL addurl OPTIONAL boolean Acceptable Values If a '1' is set, this will prepend the fully qualified domain name to the beginning of the file name.
Default: '0'
Search String search OPTIONAL varchar(255) Ex. *DAY.CHL*
(This would match files like AQUA_MODIS.20130115.L3b.DAY.CHL.nc)
File name pattern search.
Special Characters for Searching:
'*' Match any string, including the null string
'?' Match any single character
'[...]' Match any one of the enclosed characters

Note: A minimum of four characters are required.
Default: Empty string
Display a checksum hash cksum OPTIONAL boolean Acceptable Values If a '1' is set, a checksum hash will be dispalyed alongside the filenames returned in the search results.
  • Checksums are SHA1 hashes
  • This option forces `results_as_file` to 1
  • This option forces `addurl` to 0

Default: 0
Return Results as a File results_as_file OPTIONAL boolean Acceptable Values If a '1' is set, results will be returned as a text file listing, otherwise an HTML page will be returned
Default: 0
Results Format format OPTIONAL varchar(4) Acceptable Values The format the results will be returned in.
Default: 'txt'

Bulk Data Downloads: Users who want to download a large number of files will need to use a non-interactive method of pulling the data from the server. Please use the following link for data download methods.